Viki Studios and Apartments

Viki Studios and Apartments

General information

Viki Studios and Apartments is located in Skala Potamia, Thassos. The apartments for rent common facilities include garden.
Room amenities include air-conditioning, tv, fridge, etc.

Facilities And Services

  • General
  • Amenities
    Air-conditioning, TV, Fridge, Kitchen utensils, Hairdryer, Shower, Toilet


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Address and contacts

Address: Skala Potamias, Skala Potamia, Thassos, North Aegean Islands, Greece
Phone: 0030 25930 61044
Phone: 0030 21076 51163
Location: view on map
licence: 0103K132K0060800
Contact form
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highlights: Viki Studios and Apartments, apartments for rent in Skala Potamia, Thassos, Greece

More about Skala Potamia

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