Mike`s Apartments

Mike`s Apartments

General information

Mike`s Apartments is located in Nei Pori, Olympic Riviera.
Room amenities include air-conditioning, tv, fridge, etc. Each unit has own bathroom. The kitchen is equipped with hot plates, kitchen utensils and fridge.

There is free wireless internet (WiFi).
There is free parking at the hotel.

Room types



Facilities And Services

  • Amenities
    Air-conditioning, TV, Kitchen, Fridge, Hot plates, Kitchen utensils, Bathroom, Balcony
  • Internet
    Free WiFi
  • Parking
    Free parking on site


There are no photos for Mike`s Apartments.

Address and contacts

Address: 83 Olympus Str., Nei Pori, Olympic Riviera, North Greece, Greece
Phone: 0030 23520 44034
Phone: 0030 69749 67445 - mobile
Social: facebook
Location: view on map
Manager: Papamichail Apostolos
licence: M.H.T.E. 0936Κ121Κ0597500
Contact form
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highlights: Mike`s Apartments, hotel in Nei Pori, Olympic Riviera, Greece

More about Nei Pori

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